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Brief Specifications
Display Type 7 Segment LED Dual Display
Display Configuration 4 + 4 Digits
Type of Input Thermocouple (J,K,T,R,S) / RTD (PT100)
Resolution 0.1/1° for TC/RTD , (fixed 1° for R and S TC)
Accuracy For TC (J, K, T) inputs: 0.25% of F.S. ± 1 ° For R & S inputs: 0.5% of F.S. ±2 (20min of warm up time) For RTD inputs: 0.1% of F.S ±1
Control Output RELAY or SSR.
Auxiliary Output RELAY
Control Mode Auto Tune PID / ON-OFF
Feature Heat Cool PID , Dwell Timer
Supply Voltage 90 to 270V AC/DC
Size 96 x 96mm
Mounting Type Panel Mount

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